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What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?

A new way to interact with your customers!

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is very much an integral part of the SEO and online marketing campaign. A good Social Media Strategy can be used to increase brand awareness, interact with your customers and increase overall sales.

SEO, Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing are all linked and are part of a large online marketing campaign. Social media has dramatically changed how we interact with people, and companies are now taking advantage of this. Whilst you are engaging with your customers and building trust and loyalty through social media, you are also directly marketing your new website content and ultimately benefitting your SEO and website rankings.

Why invest in Social Media Marketing?

To engage your followers and turn them into customers!

Google now takes into account your Social Media Metrics as factors in ranking your website. This is not simply about the number of followers you have but rather in the number of engagements. If you have tried social media marketing before, you will know that converting followers into customers is not that straightforward. We focus more on engaging these followers, turning them into brand advocates and eventually customers.

Overall social media is a very powerful tool, and when used correctly with the right strategy, it can benefit your marketing campaign from all angles; branding, sales, engagement, SEO, content marketing and so on.