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What are analytics and reporting about?

Get the details and information you’re looking for

Have you ever wondered what pages on your website your visitors click on, how long did they stay, and how did they find you? Perhaps you want to know which products got their attention yet somehow they didn’t make a purchase. Analytics allows you to measure the performance of a website and get a greater insight into your customers and visitors actions.

We can set up an analytics system into your website that allows you to track the progress of your website with detailed reports of returning visitors, unique visits, pages viewed, referring websites, browsers and devices used, location of visitors, organic search terms, keywords, numbers of pages visited and average time spent on the site.

The details behind the traffic…

Will help you optimise your Marketing Campaign

If you offer web design in Bournemouth for example, are your visitors primarily from Bournemouth area, did they make contact and did they find you via organic search for that term or was it through an advert you placed on another website? Such simple questions can be answered by reading some analytics data. We can however deliver analytics data at a much more advanced level if that is what you require. We are able to customise the report for a specific goal, which is particularly useful for PPC advertising/Google AdWords, email marketing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing and online advertising.

5 Steps and you are ready to go!

There are 5 main components involved with our Analytics and Reporting service:

      • Analytics Setup

    Setting up the necessary elements for monitoring your website, such as the Google Analytics account and making sure you have the latest code on your website.


      • Site Tracking

    The tracking code is set up so that analytics data can be collected and viewed.


      • Reporting

    Based upon the analytics set up and tracking system, reports are generated to give you a better view of your data.


      • Configuration

    Here we configure the analytics to filter the data so we can read what is useful and discard what is unnecessary. We will also integrate the related services such as Google Adwords and Webmaster Tools.


    • Training

Analytics data can be overwhelming, most people don’t know where to begin or how to interpret the data. We can provide training to help you understand how to acquire the data that you need and how to understand it, as well as produce reports on a day-to-day basis.